
Leaving Rehab - How It's Going

 Wow alrighty. I've been out of rehab for a little over a month now. It's been fairly painful leaving all my friends from the ranch. Especially Alexandra.  I was so excited to leave but now I find myself wishing I could go back. I have the entire world in my hands right now and I could literally do anything I want but I feel still like I'm frozen in place. I'm wondering when that serenity and peace will set in because it's been anything but peaceful.. but then again we're talking about me and the atmosphere I create. I feel like it's toxic. I have some stuff I have to get off my chest. It's way too heavy carry but I don't know where to go for that kind of support. I start therapy again this week - as well as working at the mortuary. At least I have that. xx Riot

Riot And The Ranch

Riot went to rehab, actually. I don't even have anything to say.  I think I'm still in shock over having to come here in the first place. Fucking rehab?? Who am I? I really chose chaos for this life. I went to this ranch in the middle of the fucking desert - YES. DESERT. It hurts me to think about how I ended up here....what Alex had to endure that night. Maybe I'll get into it another time.. goodnight